Mopipi International


Mopipi International is one of the leading Social Marketing Organizations existing to improve the quality of life for adolescent boys and girls, young men and girls from all social and sexual divides. We offer a new dawn and a fresh thinking to the Botswana social marketing landscape in order to achieve the “common good”. Our Social marketing approaches aim to influence behaviors that benefit individuals and communities for the greater social good. Our goal is to deliver competition-sensitive and segmented social change programs that are effective, efficient, equitable and sustainable.

The success of social marketing programs calls for private and public partnerships in driving high impact and sustainable health interventions. Mopipi International continuously and consistently seeks opportunities to partner with government, private sector and communities for the benefit of general health. As an organization, we are grateful to the opportunity to be working with the Ministry of Health and Wellness and National AIDS and Health Promotion Agency (NAHPA) on resuscitating the social marketing of condom programming in Botswana. Mopipi International is value add to resuscitation and sustenanceof the social marketing segment of Comprehensive Condom Programming (CCP), and this initiative is envisioned to augment and complete Botswana’s condom Total Market Approach (TMA)

which is intended to provide alternatives to meet condom demands of different population groups and most importantly to reduce dependence on the public sector condoms.

Mopipi International prides itself in high impact, innovative, simple, targeted initiatives that are informed by empirical evidence and best practices in promoting demand, improving access and uptake of health campaigns. Our organization offers a fresh approach that uses different programs/activities to convey the behavior change messages to the target audience. The programs are designed based on Social Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) & Modeling and Reinforcement Strategies. The programs range from media related programs such as radio, print, digital and television programs, social media platform activities, road shows, interpersonal and group facilitation activities in targeted communities. We remain grateful to our well-rounded professional employees for their dedication and sterling performance in the work that we do, and their unwavering commitment to conform to the highest standards and processes for program planning and design, implementation, research monitoring and evaluation.


  • Our Vision.

    An inspired generation seeking to be healthier now and forever.

  • Our Mission.

    To improve the quality of life for adolescent boys and girls, and young people through evidence-driven and high impact programming for social behavioural change.

  • Our Values.

    • Service Excellence
    • Credence
    • Compassion
    • Versatility
    • Generosity